Grounding in the Three Steps of Wish Fulfillment with LekLai(Goethite) - Benefits of Lek Lai (Goethite)

Abundant Life Abundant Living Attract Good Luck Change Luck Crystals Financial Freedom Frequency Tuning Goethite Good Luck Inner Strength Leklai Love Lucky Money Natural Healing Power Of Love Soul Healing Spiritual Healing Spirituality SRT Universe 力泥 功效 宇宙 能量

Understanding the Source of Lek Lai's Power (Goethite's Power)

Understanding Our Friends

Our friends know that we value natural elements and have a deep love for nature. That's why the LekLai(Goethite) stones we brought back from LekLai(Goethite) Mountain in Malaysia are 100% pure and natural.

What's Grounding ?

Many online resources and books, especially medical texts, explain what "grounding" is. In essence, grounding is the most natural healing method provided to us by nature.

Why Practice "Grounding"?

We are constantly surrounded by Wi-Fi signals and various invisible currents. Although humans are conductive beings, our body’s electrical current should not exceed 0.01. If it does, it can lead to various inflammatory issues, such as acne, deteriorating skin, poor sleep quality, and increased sensitivity. If these minor problems are not addressed, they may escalate into more significant health issues.

In fact, "grounding" helps us discharge excess electrical currents or waste energy from our bodies, allowing us to reconnect with the Earth. This process helps restore our body to its most natural, pure, and optimal electric state. Additionally, grounding can aid in revitalizing our internal antioxidant systems, enhancing our luck and strength, and increasing the likelihood of fulfilling our wishes.

How to Practice Grounding?

There are many online resources and books that explain and introduce grounding.

For example, you can simply walk barefoot in natural spaces, such as on grass or sand. Walking on natural ground can provide the grounding effect you seek. Another effective method is to hug a large tree. Trees have strong energy because their roots have been connected to the Earth for many years. Embracing a tree can also enhance the grounding experience.

What to Do If You Can't Go Outside for Grounding?

If you can't go outside, the floor of your home is the closest connection to the Earth. Since most people live in high-rise buildings, which are far from the ground, you can walk barefoot at home. Practicing grounding every day indoors is better than not doing it at all, as it helps you adjust and balance your body.

You can also practice grounding at home using LekLai (Goethite) stones!

LekLai (Goethite) stones are the result of millions of years of natural processes that have created LekLai (Goethite) Mountain. Since these stones are considered "alive," we can always summon and connect with their origin, which is Mother Earth. By using LekLai (Goethite) stones for grounding, we can discharge excess electrical currents and negative energy from our bodies. This means that at any time of the day, we can practice grounding at home.

Why Grounding  with LekLai (Goethite) Stones?

Every day, we face work-related stress and emotional issues, which continuously add negative energy to our lives. While LekLai (Goethite) stones can help purify negative energy fields, they don’t have the capacity to arrange for other good things to happen for you.

The primary purpose of LekLai (Goethite) stones is to improve our energy fields, attract wealth, and trigger more positive occurrences, effectively enhancing our luck.

Therefore, we need to actively practice grounding with LekLai (Goethite) stones to release excess electrical currents and negative energy. Excessive electrical currents and negative energy can hinder our ability to manifest our desires.

How to Grounding with LekLai (Goethite) Stones?

Step 1: Choose your favorite LekLai (Goethite) stone or the one you feel the best connection with (it can be a piece or a pendant) and hold it in both hands.

Step 2: Sit on the ground in a comfortable position, allowing yourself to relax. Breathe slowly and calmly, trying to clear your mind of any thoughts. (Sitting on a yoga mat may be more comfortable, or you can lie down if you prefer.)

Step 3: It is recommended to practice for five minutes every morning and evening.
(Doing grounding before bed can help you relax and fall asleep more easily.)

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For inquiries about Lek Lai (LEKLAI / Goethite), please visit our website.

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