One of the Three Treasures of Haruka : Great Buddha Bead - Lek Lai Effects - Lek Lai - Goethite -

 The three treasures of Haruka, are the Great Buddha Bead , the Great Buddha Pillar, and the Awakening ore. Each of them has unique characteristics, and possessing these three treasures can provide you with various improvements and protection through their different powers.

In this issue, we will mainly introduce the Great Buddha Bead of Haruka. It's important to know that the Lek Lai Great Buddha Bead is not easy to come by. When we first learned about the Great Buddha Bead, we only discovered by chance that this variety of Lek Lai is relatively rare, and its colors are limited.

We were fortunate to connect with a friend in Malaysia. We found a cave of Great Buddha Beads in the Lek Lai production area and extracted some beautifully colored beads with very high energy. This is because Lek Lai is in a living state, and the stronger its energy, the higher its quality and excellence.

Many friends have acquired some entry-level Great Buddha Beads, which tend to display fewer colors. Although they may gradually show some color changes, it is unlikely to achieve a more refined appearance within a few months or even a few years. This is because the top-quality Lek Lai is found deep within the Lek Lai mountains and has developed over millions of years. Generally, entry-level Great Buddha Beads tend to have a duller color, a heavier matte texture, and exhibit high quality, with the beads showcasing various states and featuring larger sizes and sparkling colors.



Are there entry-level Great Buddha Beads?

Due to the extensive mining of Great Buddha Bead caves, there are different grades of Great Buddha Beads. However, the Lek Lai extracted from the central position of a Lek Lai mountain is generally more complete and has a higher quality, representing the essence of the entire cave. Therefore, the Great Buddha Beads collected from the central area of the Lek Lai mountain are more refined. They not only have an attractive appearance but also possess very high energy. However, the quantity of Great Buddha Beads recently mined has become very limited and rare.

Case Sharing

Below is a personal experience from a friend. During a routine medical check-up, she discovered a shadow on her uterus. All women would surely feel panic upon learning about a shadow on their uterus, and it’s not just women; men would also likely express concern and worry if they knew something was wrong with their bodies. This news caused her considerable anxiety, and she knew she had to undergo thorough examinations and follow-ups.

From that moment on, she began to practice "grounding" and "gratitude" with her Lek Lai every day, praying for health and peace. Later, when she returned for a follow-up appointment to review her report, she was informed that the shadow was merely some tissue that had overlapped and thickened. She sighed with relief and felt very grateful that Lek Lai helped her through a difficult time.

Of course, some people might think that she would have been fine without the Lek Lai, but during this period, she held onto her pendant and felt a sense of relaxation. Her emotions were eased, and her spirits improved. Regardless of whether the Lek Lai truly helped her, we firmly believe that it blessed our friend, allowing her to overcome this challenge.

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