Malaysia and Thailand's Lek Lai are vastly different - Effects of Lek Lai - Lek Lai - Goethite -

Which type of Lek Lai has greater energy?

We are aware that both Thailand and Malaysia produce Lek Lai. When we search for information about Lek Lai online, we mainly find results regarding the different varieties from Thailand and Malaysia. Naturally, this raises questions about Lek Lai(Goethite) : which type has greater energy? What are the differences?



Different Beliefs
The primary difference lies in the beliefs surrounding Lek Lai. First, regarding Malaysian Lek Lai, it is all hand-mined from Lek Lai mountains. These pieces are alive, pure, natural, and come in various color tones, making them very refined. Because Lek Lai is alive, it continues to transform and become more beautiful over time. We believe in Mother Earth and the universe that provides us with everything, as well as in the power of nature and the cosmos.

As we know, Thailand is a country deeply devoted to religion. Thai Lek Lai is mined from caves and then blessed by high monks through chanting. There are also additional processes involved in its production. For more details, you can search for related information.


Choosing the Right Goethite for Yourself and Honoring Its Essence
When it comes to the Lek Lai from Malaysia and Thailand, we do not compare which has greater energy. Just as we often say that we should not compare different varieties of Lek Lai, we believe in the power of each one. Therefore, the primary criterion for selecting Lek Lai is to find one that resonates with you. If I like the shape of a particular Lek Lai and feel that it complements my image, then when I see it for the first time, I know it is the one for me.

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