Five Ways to Care for LekLai - Effects of LekLai - LekLai - Goethite

力泥 功效 宇宙 能量

Fifth: Honey

Many people online mention using honey to offer and care for LekLai, but honey can easily attract ants. Even if some claim that 100% pure honey won't attract ants, when exposed to air, the concentration of honey is diluted, making it more likely to attract them. Additionally, some unscrupulous vendors may add sugar to honey, which means it is not pure honey. This can attract small insects to the LekLai, causing some people to feel anxious, so it’s important to be cautious.

Fourth: Water and Herkimer Quartz

Place the Herkimer Quartz among the crystals, as it is the strongest energy stone and a purifying stone. Soak it in boiled water for a few hours (boiling the water can kill bacteria and make it cleaner) to enhance the water's energy. Use the Herkimer Quartz water to spray on the LekLai.

*Boiled water or mineral water can substitute for natural water. We often recommend using Herkimer Quartz water to friends because having a piece of Herkimer Quartz at home allows for easy soaking, making it convenient, time-saving, and cost-effective.

Note: Do not place Herkimer Quartz in hot water.

Third: Natural Water

LekLai originates from nature, so it is ideal to care for it with natural sources such as stream water, rainwater, or spring water. However, since we don’t go hiking every day. And it’s not always raining, these sources can be difficult to obtain.

Therefore, we recommend using the Herkimer Quartz water that we highly endorse.

Second: Moonlight and Sunshine

We repeatedly emphasize that our LekLai is 100% pure natural, sourced from Lek Lai Mountain in Malaysia. It has always absorbed the essence of the sun and moon, rainwater, and the nutrients from the mountain to grow. Both sunbathing and moonbathing are beneficial.

However, if you have a top-quality or collectible Lek Lai, whose outer shell is already beautiful and has a high level of excellence, it is not advisable to expose it to direct sunlight.

Excessive sun exposure can easily cause it to undergo changes, leading to the shedding of its outer shell (similar to rolling up our sleeves and losing the protective function of sunscreen). This may cause the colored areas to become dull or darken the LekLai!

Moonbathing is preferable, as there is no risk of damage from the moon. The energy from the moon is very beneficial, especially during the new moon and full moon, when its power is even stronger.


When we nurture and care for a child, providing them with enough food and water allows them to survive. However, we don’t just want them to live; we also need to give them love and care.

Similarly, love is very important for LekLai. Even if you place the LekLai in a room where it won't be exposed to sunlight or moonlight, and after making a connection with it, you don’t provide it with moisture, what matters is that you touch it and talk to it daily. Engage in grounding practices and express gratitude, showing love and care for the LekLai.

When you treat it well, it will respond in kind. It will become more beautiful and more vibrant, so love is truly essential.

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